Brake Fluid Moisture Tester – Top 3 Types Reviewed

A brake fluid moisture tester is a device used to measure the amount of water or other contaminants present in your vehicle’s brake fluid. It is important to test brake fluid regularly as it can become contaminated over time, reducing its effectiveness and potentially leading to serious issues such as hydraulic failure which could cause loss of braking power or vehicle control.


The presence of contaminants has significant consequences that can affect both the performance and safety of your car. Contamination can reduce the boiling point of the brake fluid, making it more susceptible to vapor lock which will reduce pressure within the system leading to reduced braking efficiency. Additionally, moisture in the fluid causes oxidation and corrosion within parts resulting in the clogging of valves and seals. This may further lead to component damage that could require expensive repairs or replacements.


It is thus vital for safety reasons that brake fluid be tested on a regular basis in order to prevent any unexpected breakdowns that could have been avoided with proper maintenance practices. A brake fluid moisture tester not only helps you maintain optimal functionality but also provides peace of mind knowing that your car is running correctly and safely.


Types of Brake Fluid Moisture Testers

brake fluid moisture tester

There are a variety of brake fluid moisture testers available on the market, each one with its own advantages and disadvantages.
The most basic type of tester is the visual inspection, which requires minimal effort and cost but is limited in its accuracy. Visual inspection involves examining the color of the brake fluid to determine whether it is still usable or not. Typically, when uniform light brownish or greenish colors are observed, it indicates that water contamination has taken place.


The refractometer offers an accurate method for measuring borate concentration in brake fluid. The test requires a small sample of the fluid be placed on a plate which is then illuminated with light of different wavelengths in order to measure what percentage of contaminants are present. However, due to its more complex operation, this type of testing tends to be more expensive than other methods.


Another option is electronic testers which use technology such as ultrasonic sensors to measure the moisture content and other properties in brake fluid. These systems offer high precision results and can detect even small concentrations of water or other contaminants quickly and easily. While they may be pricier than some alternatives, their convenience, speed and accuracy make them attractive options for many users seeking reliable results without sacrificing too much time or money.


Ultimately when considering which type of brake fluid moisture tester best meets your needs it’s important to weigh up all factors including cost, accuracy, convenience and user-friendliness before making a purchase decision.


Benefits of Using a Brake Fluid Moisture Tester


Regularly testing your vehicle’s brake fluid is an important aspect of car maintenance as it helps ensure that your brakes are in optimal working condition. Testing with a brake fluid moisture tester can help identify any potential problems early including the presence of water or other contaminants which can reduce the efficacy and safety of your brakes.


Using a brake fluid moisture tester to regularly check on the health of your brakes can bring significant benefits which should not be overlooked. By catching any issues before they become more serious, you can save yourself time and money by avoiding costly repairs or replacements further down the line. Additionally, knowing that your brakes are working properly will give you peace of mind and increase confidence when driving.


Ultimately, using a brake fluid moisture tester to regularly check up on your brakes is an efficient and simple way to keep them in good condition for maximum performance and safety.


How to Use a Brake Fluid Moisture Tester


Using a brake fluid moisture tester is a relatively simple process that can provide important insights into the health of your brakes. The test involves collecting a small sample of the brake fluid and inserting it into the tester, which then provides you with results in just a few minutes.


To begin, take the cap off the master cylinder reservoir and use an absorbent cloth to remove any dirt or debris that may be present. Make sure not to allow any air to enter the reservoir as this will lead to inaccurate readings. Next, click or unscrew the appropriate nozzle on your tester, depending on whether it’s manual or electronic, and place your collected sample in it before re-securing firmly.


Now simply turn on your tester and wait for a few moments until it has produced its reading. Depending on the model of tester, this will either be displayed directly on its screen or come through as a printout. Once you have your results you can use them as an indication of when further maintenance work needs to be done.


Common Issues with the Brake Fluid Moisture Tester


Since brake fluid moisture testers are designed to detect very small changes in the composition of the brakes’ fluid, it’s essential that they are maintained and used properly. If not, they can provide inaccurate readings which could lead to problems with your vehicle’s brakes.


One of the most common issues is incorrect sample collection. If air is allowed to enter the master cylinder reservoir before taking a sample, this can cause false readings from your tester as oxygen affects the samples’ results. Additionally, if too much or too little brake fluid is collected for testing this can also lead to unreliable results.


Another issue arises with improper functioning of the tester itself. Without regular cleaning and battery replacement, your tester may start giving faulty results due to its deteriorating condition and outdated batteries. As such it’s important to maintain your tester by following manufacturer guidelines for calibrating and replacing its parts when necessary.






As with any important piece of kit, it’s essential that brake fluid moisture testers are used and maintained correctly in order to avoid potential errors. A key factor here is ensuring that the sample you collect for testing has been done so accurately and without allowing any air into the master cylinder reservoir. On top of this, regular servicing and battery replacement should also be carried out on testers to keep them working correctly. All in all, a brake fluid moisture tester can play an important role in protecting the health of your vehicle’s brakes and should not be overlooked as part of regular maintenance work.